We bring the most adored pet vendors to thousands of vets, pet shops and pet lovers.
How we do it
Long-term focus on permanent development of our people, growing mindset and curious attitude are true, everyday classics in our organisation of people.
This is what we do for
We introduce them to thousands of pet lovers, vets and pet stores.
We share solutions and expert advice for wellbeing of farm and pet animals.
We supply daily vet clinics and pet shops across Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia.
We create environment where they can do their best job and be with their pets at the same time.
We share our love for animals since 1974.
Georg Mueller, Interquell
"Edvard Varda and me know each other more than 10 years. In this period Edvard achieved to develop our brands Happy Dog and Happy Cat to one of the most top selling brands in Croatia.
Our cooperation was always very intensive and fair, based on the great ambition of Edvard and his team.
We are looking forward to create many new successful ideas in the next decade of our mutual collaboration."
Lars Johnsen, Trixie
“Imamo dugogodišnju suradnju s Edvardom i njegovim timom. Kroz sve ove godine cijenimo iskrenost, povjerenje i pouzdanost koji su nam omogućili da neprestano zajedno rastemo. Veselimo se daljnjem partnerskom odnosu i nastavku TRIXIE distribucije u suradnji s cijelim timom.”
Joseph Obrovac, Champion PetFood
"Edvard Varda i njegov predani tim u UNCONDITIONALU pouzdan su partner i stručnjaci na području asortimana za kućne ljubimce. Veliko hvala za podršku i predanost Champion Petfoodsu od 2016. godine!
Iskreno cijenimo ovo partnerstvo i veselimo se daljnjoj suradnji s posvećenim UNCONDITIONAL timom."
Andreas Jaehnert, Interquell
"UNCONDITIONAL je jedan od naših najjačih partnera za Happy Dog i Happy Cat brandove već dugi niz godina.
Bliska suradnja u kombinaciji s razmjenom brojnih ideja dovela je do visokog stupnja pouzdanosti koji je stvorio ne samo čvrsto partnerstvo već i prijateljstvo!"
We donate our products, time and funds to these animal shelters.
Potential employees,
it would be nice to work with you! See how our collaboration might look like and contact us! :)
Dear B2B partners,
Long term partnership is essential part of our collaboration, see how we make this work.
Potential supply partners
we’d be happy to meet you and get you in our network of brands, vet clinics and retail shops!